Marcela took me climbing Sunday in Ojai. My first trad climb in probably forever, The Tree Route (5.6) on the Black Wall, offered a revealing glimpse in to the realm of traditional climbing. Marcela would like me to give this trad thing a chance. I'm trying. And that's all I'm going to say.
This creek is totally rad. Something about water just does it for me. The wall is another story. Notice the trees growing on it. Trees grow up. The trees on this wall are not a phenomenon. The wall is really that angle. I'm used to steeper stuff. This represents a major expansion of my horizons.

Marcela leading The Tree Route. Apparently, those things she's placing in the rock are called "protection".

Make no mistake, this is sadism disguised in a smile. Marcela is thoroughly enjoying watching me wrestle every hellishly placed piece, which she has conveniently installed about every three feet for two pitches.

Crazy eyes. You tell me: would this guy be caught doing anything not exxxtreme? Exactly.

Reluctantly, we left this gem. I got hungry.
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