I've been climbing a lot lately. A lot. And I gotta say... it's been rad. This whole 'never working' thing is great. Case in point: I went to the Tor Saturday, Firecrags Sunday, and the Tor again Monday. And the two weeks prior I was lifting, climbing, running, and "stuff" every day, usually two and three times a day. I put in two burns both Tor days on Better Than Chips, falling a total of four times after the Chips jugs, and I feel like I've climbed a whole lotta Chips. My body feels like a chew toy and I love it. In the bad news department, I may have to return to work Monday. I know, I know - no one wants that less than me. I'm working on a couple schemes to avoid the grind so hopefully I'll pull another month of unemployment. A guy's gotta dream.
The rad dyno on the Chips Ahoy (5.12d) variation in to Better Than Life (5.13c), Better Than Chips (5.12d).

1 comment:
dont go back to work!
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